A good cup of tea needs to infuse three to five minutes. Not seven, or 12, or 20. It's similar with organizational transformation: In OpenSpace Beta, that takes 90 days. And then it's done.
OpenSpace Beta is the way for your organization to become high-performing. Not within years, but within a few months. Regardless of size. It's an open source social technology that allows your company to get from siloed and dull to decentralized and adaptive. Within 90 days.
In 2018, OpenSpace Beta became the 1st Work the System approach to be developed and published by Red42. This social technology is based on the concepts of Very Fast Organizational Transformation and Change-as-Flipping, which were also conceived by Silke and Niels. As early as at the start of 2019, the two accompanied their first corporate client through full-fledged transformation with OpenSpace Beta. Since then, they have undertaken several Beta transformations with corporate clients. OpenSpace Beta was shortlisted for the XING New Work Award in 2020 (for the concept) and in 2021 (for the 1st client transformation).
This page hosts the OpenSpace Beta open source license.
"Organizational transformation is difficult," they say. "It must be so hard" or "It takes a long, long time - and maybe it will never happen!" No more! In 2018, profound organizational transformation got a lot less complicated!
The OpenSpace Beta handbook by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging, is the ideal starting point for anyone who is interested in creating rapid and lasting Beta, "agile", or "lean" transformation. Buy the handbook, or get the Ultimate Changemaker Box with books, posters and additional learning materials from Red42. Exclusively in our shop.
To learn more about how to make use of the open source licensing, see the terms of licensing below!

OpenSpace Beta is logical and uncomplicated – but it is not simple. Which is why we offer qualifications in the OpenSpace Beta approach. Directly from the creators - for everyone!
Red42 offers three kinds of qualifications around OpenSpace Beta: One is the Quick Start format – a high-impact 2-hour online course that gets you acquainted with the approach. More intensive 2-day face-to-face courses co OpenSpace Beta are perfect for companies that want to seriously go for transformation. And we offer modularized online programs: Lern how to become a certified OpenSpace Beta Practitioner!
If you want to get going with Beta transformation, then working with Red42 is the logical starting-point. For companies, we offer advisory throughout the whole experience of an OpenSpace Beta chapter. For peers and consultants, we also offer supervision to support their client work with OpenSpace Beta

What can OpenSpace Beta
do for your company?
Use this powerful Work the System approach by Red42 to get transformation done fast, and reliably
Red42 developed a 2-day workshop format to get qualified about Relative Targets. We also offer a variation of this workshop publicly, at Studio Red42 in Wiesbaden.
For companies, we also offer highly customized, sequenced, iterative workshop series that allow you to flesh out your organization's Relative Performance System, under our conceptual guidance. Which allows you to transform your performance system, within just a couple of months.
“If you want truly to
understand something,
try to change it.”
Kurt Lewin (1890-1947)
The open source license
OpenSpace Beta© is based on Prime/OS™, which was developed by Daniel Mezick, and published as an Open Source, Free Social Technology via the CC-BY-SA license from Creative Commons. Download the Prime/OS™ definition here: http://openspaceagility.com/prime/download-prime
OpenSpace Beta©, the BetaCodex© and Prime/OS are freely available, open source, social technologies: You are free to derive from OpenSpace Beta and create innovative, new works yourself, and share your innovations with others, and also commercialize them.
OpenSpace Beta, as outlined in our publications and as described through the concept overview, as well as related events, principles, roles, workshop formats, consulting techniques and related documents are published under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. This license is an open source license: Under this license, you are strongly encouraged to innovate by freely developing applications based upon OpenSpace Beta.
Concept overview
The OpenSpace Beta timeline is an important tool for your Beta transformation. It gives you and everybody involved in the transformation a great overview over the flow, the structure, the necessary roles and elements of the OpenSpace Beta approach. You can download the timeline here for free. Share it and use it in your work - making the appropriate attributions (see license below) You can also buy printed versions of OpenSpace Beta timeline from our shop, as a print poster or as an XXL banner. Concept overview version 2020.

Open source license
Attribution ShareAlike – “CC-BY-SA”
This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon OpenSpace Beta, even for commercial reasons.
In so doing, you agree to:
credit the original authors, Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging (Red42),
and provide our specified link to the source material, as listed below,
and license your derivative creations to others under the identical terms.
Specifically, you must provide and prominently display the following link with any and all derived works, and included as part of all related graphics you develop:
“This work is derived from OpenSpace Beta©, an open source, free social technology by Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging, published under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license from Creative Commons, and found here: www.openspacebeta.com”
OpenSpace Beta© is a registered trademark.
"When one understands
who depends on me,
then I may take joy in my work."
W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993)
related papers & articles by
Silke Hermann and Niels Pflaeging
Free download - free to use. Always mention the authors appropriately when using these resources!